Workplace Investigations Training


Even with the best policies or procedures in place, people still fail you. How you respond has a direct impact on moral, productivity, retention, mission, and brand. Are you prepared? Have you prepared your managers and leaders to properly investigate, resolve, and map a path forward for your organization? Workplace complaints are a huge distraction that consume the valuable commodity of time. Your managers and leaders need to be properly trained in workplace investigations to ensure fair, equitable, effective, and timely results.

This interactive one-day interactive workplace investigations class will provide your managers with the tools to properly navigate an investigation, improve the outcome, standardize the process, and reduce liability.

Methodology will include lecture, class participation, PowerPoint, and hypothetical case evaluation.  Topics will include:

a.       Role of the investigator.

b.       Anatomy of the investigation.

c.       The basics – Investigation 101.

d.       Avoiding pitfalls and foredrawn conclusions.

e.       Getting started.

f.        Identifying witnesses and participants.

g.       Weingarten representation – what, when, why.

h.       Interview techniques.

i.        Understanding behaviors and responses.

j.        Evaluating credibility and resolving conflicting statements.

k.       Analyzing evidence.

l.        Understanding preponderance of the evidence and drawing conclusions.

m.     Report writing.

Target Audience:

Any manager or supervisor at any level in any industry and any person in your organization responsible for conducting workplace investigations or resolving conflict.

Rates and Fees

Please contact John Campanella for details on rates and fees.

The above program can be customized to address any industry.  If you are looking for a specific topic not shown above, contact John Campanella to develop a customized program.